Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

Sketches and plans III

Here is Kuma, for once. Long time no see, but now I will show some of my Sketches! :D

So here you can see the first Sketch for one of the Calender pictures, that I'm drawing. It's Mellin and Alasar, the two main characters of one of my story ideas. I like them, but I'm not sure about Alasars face, because it looks a bit huge. Huger than Mellins. What do you think? :O

So tomorrow I will meet with Yaku and will stay by her till Saturday and then I will go with her to the Leipziger book fair. Aw I'm really happy to meet her and I hope I will meet some more.
But I'm not looking forward to the train journey, hope there will not be any delays...

Wish you all a nice weekend!

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