Samstag, 31. Dezember 2011

I hate hackers

Hey, today I was really shocked, because over night I got 300+ Mails in Hotmail. So I was just like "WTF"
See this:

Yeah. Fuck. My mother was like "Don't open, it could be a virus." Haha yeah so I didn't. Until Yaku said it looks like I tried to send mails that doesn't arrives. Yeah so I opened one message and yeah, Yaku was right.
Also I looked in my send Mails and what was there? Sure. 300+ mails that were sent. Haha.

Woah I'm so angry.. "orz
I don't know how this could happen.. nah stupid Hacker is stupid! GO DIE!

Well ok. I changed my password. So that this will not ever happen again.


Come back as heroes

Hello there.
Ow just one day until the new year begins! Did you make a few New years resolutions?
Like every year, I try to make some, but well.. I think I will not fullfill my resolutions so forget it. Hoho.
Na ok, I made one. To draw more. This year I drew not that much, maybe it was because the year was a bit stressful. Maybe it will be better in 2012.
Here a good beginning:
After the secret Santa Fanart was done, I was like "MUST DRAW", so I did. But why is she wearing a swimsuit? Na whatever.
Wish you a happy new year. :>


Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011

Die Schulmafia oder auch, wenn man dann mal die Meinung sagt!

Hallo Leute!
Ich hatte ja schon berichtet, was mich vorgestern und gestern beschäftigt hat. So kam es, dass ich gestern tatsächlich mit den Leuten geredet hab, bzw den Lehrern gezeigt hab, was da denn vor sich geht.
Eigentlich wollte ich zuerst nur mit dem Stufenleiter reden, dazu kam dann die Stufenleiterin, die Stufensprecher und eine Freundin, die gleichzeitig als Zeugin fungierte. Und die Runde der 6 war voll. Haha.
Ich muss sagen, dass es eine gute Idee war das ganze vor den Lehrern zu klären. Wir haben uns ausgesprochen und am Ende wurde zugegeben, dass die Sache mit Facebook nicht ok sei und der Informationsfluss an einigen Stellen mehr als gehinkt hat.
Am Ende haben wir uns darauf geeinigt, dass wir zwar etwas geben, aber halt nicht die vollen 25€.
Durch Facebook, hab ich dann auch erfahren, dass das ganze anscheinend jetzt wirklich gesittet zuende geht.

So kann ich damit Leben und es zeigt sich, dass man manchmal wirklich für seine Meinung einstehen sollte. Fein, fein. Ich bin vor allem froh, dass mir das Ganze jetzt nicht mehr den Schlaf rauben wird und ich an Weihnachten keinen Gedanken mehr daran verschwenden muss.

So genug über das Thema! Ich hoffe, ich komme vor Weihnachten noch einmal dazu, etwas anderes zu posten, damit dieses unschöne Thema nicht so unpassen stehen bleibt. Hoho.

Alles Gute,

Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2011

Die Schulmafia oder auch wie gestalte ich eine Hetzjagd?

Sorry, today only in german. :>

Hey Leute, heute mal zu einem gaaaaanz anderem Thema.
Ich bin jetzt 18 und bin leider sitzen geblieben und musste so noch mal in die 10, wegen dem bescheuerten G8(Als vorwissen). So kommt es natürlich jetzt zu einigen Problemen: Noch mal Abschluss, Shirts, Stufenfahrt und die Stufenfeier.
Gut und schön, doch wie man sich denken kann und wie viele das sicher auch schon kennen: Klappen tut das alles in der Regel nie ohne mindestens ein schwarzes Schaf. Mein Problem dabei: Ich bin das schwarze Schaf. Und meine Freunde.
So kam es, dass wir für eine gewisse Feier der 12er Geld bezahlen sollen. 25€ um genau zu sein.
Jetzt packt man sich an den Kopf und denkt: "Hä? Du bist doch in der 10.!" Gut erfasst my friend. Ich bin in der 10 und stelle mir die Frage, warum soll ich eine Feier bezahlen, die keine Abschlussfeier für mich ist sondern einfach nur eine Party für eine andere Stufe ist? Grund: Das ist so Tradition. Angeblich. Deswegen gibt es keine offiziellen Informationen. Kein Merkblatt und auch keinen zuständigen Lehrer.
Undurchsichtig? Sicher.
Und genau hier beginnt das Problem, denn ich und meine Freunde haben aufbegehrt! Wir wollen nicht zahlen und anstatt das einzusehen wurde gesagt, dann geht zu den 12ern und sagt denen das. Gut und schön, lässt sich auch machen, aber außer der guten Bär kennt keiner die betreffende Verantwortliche und so kam es, dass man sich in Sicherheit wiegte und hintenrum bei Facebook in einer Gruppe öffentlich angeklagt wurde ohne eigenes Wissen und zur Hetzjagd aufgerufen wurde.
WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?!, denkt man sich nur.
Vor allem wurde dann passenderweise gleich heute eine Freundin von mir eingekesselt und befragt, beleidigt und bedrängt. Einfach so, denn die dürfen das ja. Die dürfen ja auch einfach so mal ein paar Namen veröffentlichen. Jaja. Warum nicht?... Datenschutz kennt man anscheinend nicht.
Ach und wer sich jetzt fragt, was die Lehrer machen... nichts. Natürlich nicht. Denn als Lehrer merkt man bekanntlicherweise ja immer als letzter, dass es ein Problem unter den Schülern gibt.
Morgen werden eine Freundin und ich versuchen betreffende 12 Klässlerin zu sprechen und auch mal die Stufenleitung einzuweihen, was denn so abgeht bei der Planung.
Denn ich hatte eigentlich vor mein Jahr in Ruhe zu verbringen und nicht am Ende raus zu gehen und mich zu verstecken, weil man versucht mich zu mobben oder sonstiges.

So viel dazu. Jetzt hab ich mich genug ausgekotzt. D:


Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011

Pictures of you~

Hey, it's Bär.
Wooh just to more days until I have my Wintervacations. Finally.
Today I'm not talking about christmas, but about photography. I really love to take photos and now I got a better camera.
Here are some photos that I take by messing around with the camera. Quite boring, but I still like it.
I have to learn a lot more about the adjustment, because I'm using the Auto-Mode and it's not what I like and want.

Nah, hope you have fun by buying the last christmaspresents like me (I have to train my kick, hoho).

Samstag, 10. Dezember 2011

Penguin Days

Whenever I see this scene of the opening sequence of Mawaru Penguindrum

Screenshot from the 2nd Opening of Mawaru Penguindrum 

... my hearts aches. T__T Why, Kanba, why?!! DX Why does he have to head into another direction than Shouma and Himari? Q_Q KANBAAA!!! DX
Sigh. This show is fun. *_* Some twisted kind of fun, but the twists make me happy. Looking forward the probably tragic finale.
And I wish I had an older brother. I would make him play Silent Hill for me. 'Cause I don't dare. 8D KIRABOSHI! *3*>


Sonntag, 20. November 2011

Meet you there

Huh? What is sitting there on the left? Can you guess it?

(No it isn't a bear.)

Freitag, 11. November 2011

Kernel Panics & Alpacas

Hoho. First time ever I saw something like this. When we were trying to recover a PC with broken Windows logon today and were working our way through the registry with the help of a boot CD, we obviously tried to peek inside the wrong value, when the kernel suddenly panicked. All cute with ??!s and stuff being displayed in the commando line and blinking keyboard lamps. Ha. *_* Luckily it was not my computer or else I would have panicked alongside it. 8D (We did manage to repair the logon in the end. <3) Nicely done, Mr Programmer, making the kernel all cute. *3*b


And yes, I still haven't written the report on my journey, I know. I'm lazy. And so I didn't come along to tell how Japan betrayed me. There are no Alpacas in Japan at all! Here I thought, I'd be totally trendy for once and bring a trendy Alpaca back from Japan. I was fooled. There are no Mameshibas either. I was fooled! Japan left me in despair! >O<
Mameshiba dogs are quite common, though, but those were not the ones I wanted. >3>
Oh well, I'm just going to confiscate my sister's alpaca plushie the next time I get the chance. 8D (I still don't know how she can own one without even knowing where it came from. |D)


Freitag, 4. November 2011

I really like the word 'fancy'

Even without a fancy sketchbook, I still have some sketches ready. (It's magical! 8D) This time's a small illustration of Marie and Cornelius from my adaption of "Frau Holle" for "Grimms Manga" by Tokyopop. I think it's from May, but I couldn't decide which colours to use, so it's never been finished since then.
Looking at it now makes me think, what the hell bit me to make the legs soo thin?! It's incredible. They're gonna break any second! o__o So fun! 8D

Um, apart from that, I survived three days of Bär. 8D We died like a hundred times while playing Ico, since we suck at jumping. XD But you know, I really like how the camera follows the fall and watches it till the very end, seconds long, instead of cutting off immediately. Sure adds to the drama. It's fun! 8D
Shadow of the Colossus is nice, too, as far as we played it till now. :> Bär killed the first colossus in my stead and I'm still in despair whether I will ever learn how to climb correctly. orz
But! We actually managed to draw something instead of only playing video games the whole time. I'm very proud.

And as some kind of twisted reward, I'm now sitting in semi-darkness, 'cause the workers who are doing some roof repair and stuff at the house, somehow killed half of our electricity. Drawing commissions in the semi-dark is totally absolutely fun. Sigh. u,u
The adventure of life~


Donnerstag, 3. November 2011

Sketchbook #1

Hey out there. I'm back from my trip to Berlin and there are many things to say.
I bought a Sketchbook there and I think sometimes I will post the good entries. (Oh my, now the next entries will turn out really ugly, because I said, I want to show good ones)
Bär in action. Taken by Yaku. :>

First entry. Jonathan & Margot.

2nd entry. Something inspired by Misaho Kujiradous

I like the second entry more. With the color it looks nice.

Bye for now,

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011

It's cold!! D:

Olá! New layout, obviously. 8D Thanks to Bär.
Hah, I don't like winters anymore. Being cold is no fun. I want to be a cat and curl up next to a stove. :< The layout reminds me of snow, but it's actually about flying .... hrm.

By the way, thanks to all our readers for reading. :>


Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011

Here in the nights~

Hello. It's Bär this time. Hope you all had a nice Saturday :>

I'm working on my ACEO tradelist and I just finished the cards, but not the backsides. Maybe tomorrow?
Na at the end I was really proud, because my cards are looking really nice (for me, I hope for the people who will get them too). Here a foto that I took of them.
I really like the green one. It was so fun to draw. I'm not sure if I want to trade the card. Maybe I draw a new one the theme was a woodgirl and the one here is not really a woodgirl. XD

Next post will be something about the Doujin that I'm drawing,

Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

Gegen den Entzug

Ich frag mich grad, in welche Richtung sich unser Blog eigentlich im Moment bewegt. 8D
Und große Köpfe sind groß. Irgendwie wachsen die, sobald sie eingescannt werden. Aber solange die Schuhe groß genug sind, passt das schon. Überhaupt wollte ich eigentlich nur Schuhe malen. Und Harmony. Zu viele Wochen ohne Harmony. Hrrr. Mein Kopf ist zurzeit ein riesiges träges Loch. 
Hach. *_*"


Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

Tada ima~

I'm back from my trip to Japan and South Korea! *3* Well, actually the emoticon should be T_T. XD Because we had a really good time and my home country Germany is just so ... ugh ... German. XD
I will come around to write a report, but at the moment I'm still too lazy. And my brand new copy of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus is tempting me to game instead of doing useful work ... hrhr. 8D
Enjoy some Nyanpire while waiting or not waiting for more.

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011


Have fun with that WIP. In the next weeks I will post a lot more, when I got free time.

Mittwoch, 14. September 2011

Dienstag, 6. September 2011

Strobe Edge

My parents brought me some presents from their holidays in France, namely some manga. >D Therefore, it's review time now!! >3<

First up is Strobe Edge by Sakisaka Io. It's completed in 10 volumes and was serialised in Bessatsu Margaret magazine starting from 2007. The French version is published by Kana and is currently at 2 volumes.
Strobe Egde Cover
I originally wanted to read Strobe Edge, because I saw one very pretty picture. So I started without much expectation. It's shoujo after all. Can't expect too much from it. But then I was quickly hooked. And I realised that I had already read some short stories by the same author with the same few expectations and ended up thinking "Wow, these were rather good!"
Yes. So Strobe Edge centers around Kinoshita Ninako, a cute and upbeat normal high school girl, and school idol Ichinose Ren, who seems a bit aloof and mysterious. While in the beginning Ninako is only hyping Ren because her friends do too, when she gets the chance to get to know him better, she realises that there's another side to him and she falls in love with him. And without making much off a fuss (in contrary to many other shoujo titles) she confesses pretty fast, but unfortunately Ren already has a girlfriend. Hmpf. But this is only the beginning. Of course, there's also a rival showing up and relations from the past bring trouble as they surface again as well as daily troubles of high school life.
Strobe Edge Page
Storywise it's not the most original story, but it has some twists and it's full of fun and heartwarming moments. The art is super pretty. And the characters are so nice and lively. And there's a lot of them and everyone, the minor characters too, has his or her own story. Ninako definitely grows stronger in the story's progress. Andou, the rival, is a playboy, but he's such a lovable character! Ren is quite a complicated character, because he has a hard time in bringing his real personality across. He's not the typical case of a "school's hottest guy" I think (which is good). His and Ninakos friends are memorable as well (Gacchan!).
And luckily, the usual party of girls, who gets pissed because the heroine is making moves on the school's idol comes veery short. XD

All in all it's been a while since I last had so much fun reading a shoujo manga. (Good Morning Call and Charming Junkie are those others that come to my mind when I think about series with similar theme and fun.)
So I'd definitely recommend to give it a try if you get the chance. :)

(Btw, there are two drama CDs, too, in which Ren is voiced by Nakamura Yuuichi (Ikuto in 'Shugo Chara', Gray in 'Fairy Tail') and Ninako by Toyosaki Aya (Yui from 'K-On' and Nako from 'Hanasaku Iroha'). So ... it must be good, doesn't is?! >3< (No, I'm not fangirl to certain voice actors, totally not. Ahem. =3=))


Sonntag, 21. August 2011

I want to ride~

Hey there! It's something like summer, but I don't want to talk about the weather, because I hate the heat, I'm just go out when I'm forced to. Haha.
So I'm doing sport in house on the hometrainer. It's like a bike and it's okey for my sport things. But it's so boring, that I cancelled sport until now. Now I have the perfect thing found to do, when I'm making sport on the hometrainer:
Yeah how cool? I'am doing sport and play Playstation 2 at the same time! Nerdness found a new level! Hell yes!
Okey, it's not cool, but it's more interesting as just riding the bike. Maybe with this I can end my PS2 games like Final Fantasy 10/12 or Shadow Hearts: Covenant. And besides I can kill my high weight. Muhrhrhr. Perfect.


Through flood and through fire

What's the difference between a fairy and an elf? I read about it, but it still feels totally ambiguous. I think, there should be a difference, but it feels like everybody else is just messing everything up. The case: I'm currently drawing a picture which features a girl who should be a fairy. I thought. With Titania as her fairy queen. But I'm German and in German "fairy" is usually translated to "Fee", but Titania is not called "Feenkönigin", but "Elfenkönigin", which I would translate back into "elven queen" ... So what now?! Makes no sense! Just as bad as bra sizes.

ACEO sketches

Above are sketches of ACEOs I want to sell at the upcoming Connichi. No danger of faeries here.


Freitag, 19. August 2011

You've fallen for me

Hey, today I just have a sketch for you. Next time I will show some more things for my Manga Magie contribution.
She's the villain in the story for Manga Magie. I'am really proud of her design. It's sexy in my opinion. Haha.. the other characters are only cute ones.

Bye, bye,

Mittwoch, 3. August 2011

Blue Bookmark

Today I got a package from Amazon. Inside was the book "Ein Roman in einem Jahr" from the writer Louise Dohorty. 

The book is based on a Kolumn by her and in the Prolog she's telling about she got the idea and how the Kolumn was. It's really interesting and not like other guidebooks.

Those from you who want to write should spend a look in this book! :D

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

Something in the water~

Do, do, do~
I wear a demeanor made of bright pretty things,
what she wears, what she wears, what she wears...

I think there must be really something in the water, to wear this hat! But I kinda like the character, especially the watering-can. It's always fun to draw her.

Bye, bye,

Samstag, 16. Juli 2011

Hello, hello~

Hey there. At the moment I'm a bit busy.. uhm no I'm just a bit lazy. So I'm just showing some scribble of Babydoll from the movie Sucker Punch. I pre-ordered the movie yesterday, so I'm just fangirling and want to draw some fanarts of the movie. :D

I like the drawn version with long hair more, so I decided to give her longer hair than in the movie. I really prefer it.

There's nothing more to say, so I will be go back to work, aka Calender cover and pictures.

Bye, Bye,


Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011


Today's show are just the steps of the ACEO commission I did for Miaow featuring her original character Gabrielle. The final version of the card can be seen here.
Gabrielle Steps

Freitag, 1. Juli 2011



Midnight sketch. Fina sure is short. And Ann (formerly known as DD1) could do with some coffee. :>


Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2011

Tidbits of happiness

Ah, I'm so looking forward to the third season of Natsume Yuujinchou. *_* Two reasons: 1) I love the manga. As all works of its original mangaka, Midorikawa Yuki. >3< 2) I love Natsume's voice. His voice actor Kamiya Hiroshi is by far my most favorite voice actor of all. Aah. *_*

Speaking of Midorikawa-sensei, there's also one more thing I'm looking forward to! The movie based on her oneshot "Hotarubi no Mori e" will premiere in japanese cinemas on September, 17th. My sister, one of her friends and me will travel to Japan (and Korea) only a few days later. So what I'm gonna do? *_* Gonna watch it! Gonna watch it!! >3< Murhrhr. *_*


Neither related pic nor sketch, because I'm in the foolish belief that everything I have lying around here is nothing but crap~. Therefore rainbow must do. Shot it a few weeks ago from our balcony. :>


Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011

The fireworks continue~

Hey there!
It was a bit boring tonight, so I just drew some telescope and Erio from Denpa Onna. I'm looking forward to the final! :D


P.S: I'm going to bed right now.. good night or morning because it's already 5o'clock! Damn. >O

Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011


Today, I will just show you a little WIP from my next Calender picture:
Hope you like it!

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011

Steps of "Komorebi"

Today I just want to show two steps of my newest picture.

because the right-click enlarge seems to work with nobody but me, I uploaded the steps by Deviant Art.
Look here: Steps of Komorebi


Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2011


I'm feeling like writing in german. Na so viel wirds auch nicht!
Ein kleines Bild, was ich malen musste, weil ich ganz dringend wieder mein Grafik Tablett benutzen musste.
Also, bis dann!

Montag, 16. Mai 2011



I'm currently saving up words, so that I can reply to my mails and other messages. If you want to help me, please donate! *_* Words, that is. XD

Would be nice, if it were that easy. XD

yaku. <3

Freitag, 6. Mai 2011

And yeah, now I'm 18

Yesterday was my birthday and it was a really stressful day. But ok and at the end it was nice, too.
I got many presents and I'm so happy about every single one of them!
There are two, that I'm really in love with:
On the one hand there is a game named Shadow Hearts: Covenant. When I was younger I borrowed it in a near Videothek, but after two years, the game wasn't available anymore. Now, after many more years, I got it! New and ready for me to play. Mrhrhhrhr.

So there is still another thing I'm really happy about. I got a box full with Copic Ciao Markers! Hell yeah! XD
Ah sure I tried them out, here you can see:

For the first time, I think it's ok. But the lines.. ew! What is with her left eye? D:'''

Hope you have a nice weekend,

(And from Yaku I got.. a crow and a pyramid head.. *_*)

Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2011

Sonntag, 10. April 2011


When I'm at the end with this picture, I don't want to draw those flowers again in my entire life. I don't know why I'm always drawing so much flowers and plants, it's not just in the Calender pictures..

Now I'm saying I wouldn't ever draw those again, but you will see... next month I sure will. XD

Okay some explaining on my work process:
First I sketch some lines with a pencil, then when I'm thinking "Ow that's really nice" I will work it out, till it looks fine to me and then I line it with a softer Pencil to clarify details and important fragments. After this I begin with the right lines. Mostly I line with Deleter Fineliner in 0,03, because I like thin lines. :D
When all the lines are on the paper, I will begin with the color, but you see I'm not finish at the moment and so the coloring process comes later.

Hope you like and till next time,

Montag, 4. April 2011


Today I felt like I was again for two days in Disneyland. My feet are so flat like a pancake, or you see like two days in Disneyland. (It's really the same pain! Unbelievable!)
So I will for the next two weeks look into the baker work and today it was the first day for me.
It was a bit boring, because I just had to pack bread and rolls. Hope in the next days I will have some more work to do, so that I don't have just to stand all the time.
But it was OK. :D


Mittwoch, 30. März 2011

Cooking with yaku~

Welcome to this special show! 'Cause yaku can't cook at all! XD Well, I'd say I can make anything, if it's sweet. But as cooking usually is not-sweet, I usually fail before even trying as I'm not interested in it at all. ":D I can make decent pancakes, though. Sweet. <3 The reason for this event is the package of sushi rice, that's been lying around for nearly two years and has expired - as its label claims - already in February. Sweet!


Therefore yaku is making sushi, namely Kappa Maki ... with some egg. I don't like fish or anything that smells or tastes like fish.


The finished Tamagoyaki did not work quite right, but the egg does not care, so neither I do. But you know, I really don't like using that word, but making omelett with a big spoon full of sugar is just moe.



The rice looks fine, but is actually still too hard. XD Did not boil long enough as it seems. But this is the point where the only thing I love about cooking kicks in: vinegar! I love vinegar. And vinegar together with sugar is even more fun. <3


And .... the finished products!! Aahahahahaha!! XD Mega-fail? *_* No nori for me makes rolling difficult. And while they look ... er ... quite rolled, they'll definetely fall apart once you touch them. *_*b (secret technique!!) But it's still edible. After all, I ate all those that turned out worse. And was really full in the end. XD So with the leftover rice I had some fun.


Have a nice spring! *_*/ yaku~

Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

Sketches and plans III

Here is Kuma, for once. Long time no see, but now I will show some of my Sketches! :D

So here you can see the first Sketch for one of the Calender pictures, that I'm drawing. It's Mellin and Alasar, the two main characters of one of my story ideas. I like them, but I'm not sure about Alasars face, because it looks a bit huge. Huger than Mellins. What do you think? :O

So tomorrow I will meet with Yaku and will stay by her till Saturday and then I will go with her to the Leipziger book fair. Aw I'm really happy to meet her and I hope I will meet some more.
But I'm not looking forward to the train journey, hope there will not be any delays...

Wish you all a nice weekend!

Sketches and plans II

This weekend is the Leipzig Book Fair. I don't feel quite like going, but that's just because of my lazyness these days. I know, it will be a nice change of pace. Meeting some friends, sitting together while drawing and chatting ... And as I'm probably going to attend both Saturday and Sunday, I might finally be able to indulge myself in the Antiquarian books section.


Above is another detail of a picture that will hopefully appear in our next calendar. See all the books in the background? Because it's book fair time! No, just kidding. Just coincidence as I love drawing bookshelves. XD


Samstag, 12. März 2011

Sketches and plans

As you can see here, too, Kuma and I are actively working on new projects. Like last year, we want to make a calendar again. And yeah, we have learned our lesson and started early this time. :D
This is part of the sketch for the first month of my share. :D



Dienstag, 1. März 2011

Some Cleaning

Old Pressing Iron

I'm cleaning up my room these days. Or rather, sorting and throwing away heaps of paper. It's incredible what kind of things and sketches und ideas are buried here. I found some photos, too.
Paper is fun. <3 But scanning paper photos is a pain. Even more dirt than with normal paper scans. D:
